Jonice Oliveira
Associate Professor (Professora Associado I)
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Centre of Mathematical and Natural Sciences - CCMN
Institute of Mathematics - IM
Department of Computing Science - DCC
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274 - Bl. E - Room 1038 (NCE) (map)
Zip Code: 21.941-916 - Cidade Universitária
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Tel: +55 21 3938-3353 | Fax: +55 21 3938-9515
jonice (at) dcc (dot) ufrj (dot) br
Assistant: Patricia Mamede
secretaria (at) ppgi (dot) ufrj (dot) br
Tel: +55 21 3938-3237