Here, I mention a few selected projects. If you would like to see the complete list of projects (where I participated as P.I. or as a member), please visit my Curriculum Lattes.
Our research have been funded by CNPq, FAPERJ, ZikAlliance, FIOCRUZ, Microsoft/LACCIR and EMC.
Role: Project Coordinator or P.I.
Current Projects:
2018: Scientific Cooperation between UFRJ and UEVE/Paris Saclay
2016: FAKEPEDIA - A Crowdsourcing Platform for Media Literacy and Fake News Identification
2015: Extracting Knowledge from Big Social Data
2015: Mira-Br: A Framework for Analysis of Brazilian Scientific Development
2010: MEK - Mobile Exchange of Knowledge
Finished Projects:
2014 - 2015: Reference Centre in Big Data - Project: Social Smart City - Funded by EMC
2013 - 2016: ARGOS: Sentiment Analysis in Social Media to Identify Rumors and Predict Problems - Funded by FAPERJ (Foundation for Research Support of the Rio de Janeiro State)
2012 - 2016: CLOTO: Identification, Analysis and Prediction of Social Networks Using Linked Open Data - Funded by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)
2012 - 2015: UFRJ-Social: Mobile Solution for Recommendation in UFRJ main campus
2011 - 2014: Temporal Social Networks and Knowledge Dissemination for Healthcare - Funded by LACCIR/MICROSOFT
2011 - 2014: LÁQUESIS: Identification of Information Propagation in Scientific Social Networks - Funded by CNPq
2010 - 2012: SOMA: Complex Network Analysis - Funded by FAPERJ
2010 - 2012: i-Presc: Identification, Analysis and Prediction of Complex Social Networks - Funded by CNPq
2011 - 2014: TranCS - Easy and Safe Transit
2006-2007: Methexis AC - Applying Autonomic Computing in e-Science - Funded by IBM
2005 - 2007: GCE - Knowledge Management about Equipments - PETROBRAS (Brazilian Oil Company)
2003-2009: GCC: Scientific Knowledge Management - Funded by COPPE/UFRJ
Role: Member
I have participated of several research projects, but I would like to highlight three of them: Brazilian Institute for Web Science Research, Brazilian Institute for Cancer Control and National Institute of Science and Technology of Innovation on Diseases of Neglected Populations. The Brazilian Institutes are virtual institutes which deal with strategic areas in Brazil, having the participation of the main research groups in Brazil and international collaborators.
Current Projects:
2020: [Wellcome Trust] Latin America Covid19 Social Sciences Initiative
2020: [Wellcome Trust – Fiocruz] Centre for Equity in Health Emergencies
2016: ZIKAlliance (international interdisciplinary consortium)
2016: National Institute of Science and Technology of Innovation on Diseases of Neglected Populations (INCT-IDPN)
2015: SIEMENS - Collaboration Applications Integration for Integrated Operation
Finished Projects:
2012 - 2013: LODRJ: Platform to Support Statistical Open Data
2012 - 2014: Observatory of Permanent Attention fr the Use of Agrochemicals - Portal of Interconnected Information about Agrochemicals and their Effects on Health and the Environment
2012 - 2014: Engineering, Collaboration and Visualization of Knowledge Applied to Emergency Management
2011 - 2013: Collective knowledge management in the treatment and visualization of emergency situations
2010 - 2011: LinkedDataBR - Deployment, sharing and connection of open data resources on the Web (Linked Open Data)
2010 - 2013: Laboratory of Analysis of Emergency Situations and Visualization of Information