Students and Supervising Work
I have been honored to work with highly special students and postdocs:
Current Students
Current Students
- Lívia Ruback
- Topic: Identification of hate speech
- Danilo Carvalho
- Topic: Machine translation methods
- Claudia Cappelli
- Topic: Transparency and Digital Democracy
- Tiago França (teaching assistant at Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- Topic: Participatory sensing and data fusion to emergency planning
- Marcos Arrais (teaching assistant at PUC-Minas)
- Topic: Recommendation of education content in Facebook
- Fabricio Firmino (teaching assistant at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- Topic: Images Classification and Retrieval
- Rafael Escalfoni (teaching assistant at CEFET)
- Topic: Innovation Flow in Startup Ecosystems
- Vladimir Fagundes (analyst of Federal Data Processing Service, SERPRO)
- Topic: Knowledge Management in Public Companies
- Anderson Cordeiro Charles
- Topic: Rumor identification on social media
- Silas Pereira Lima Filho (research assistant at IBM Research in Brazil)
- Topic: Quality of services based on social network analysis to Smart Cities
- Diogo Nolasco
- Topic: Mapping of Science Evolution
- Jivago Medeiros Ribeiro (assistant professor at UFMT)
- Topic: Provenance in Social Media
- Raphael Fonseca
- Topic: Identification of problems patterns in large cities by Twitter
- Eric Ferreira
- Topic: Bot Identification
- Luís Fernando Monsores
- Topic: Identifying the impact of researchers in the society and government]
- Rodrigo Campos
- Topic: Recommendation in MOOCs Ecosystems
- Raphael Reis
- Topic: Argumentation mining in politics
- Kesia Braga
- Topic: Professional link recommendation for team formation
- Rodrigo dos Santos Oliveira
- Topic: Transparency (to be defined)
- Janderson Pereira Santa Clara
- Topic: Hate Speech (to be defined)
- Leonardo Herdy Marinho
- Topic: Big Social Data Integration
- Andressa Llma Kappaun
- Topic: Image retrieval
- Eduardo Freire Mangabeira
- Topic: Data collection and analytics in social media
- Lucas Murakami Rocha da Costa
- Topic: Fake news identification
- Marcos Paulo Moraes
- Topic: Comparison of text patterns between fake and true news
- 2017 - Fabio Rangel
- Topic: WiSARD for Opinion Mining in Nonstationary Environments
- 2017 - José Guilherme Mayworm
- Topic: Optimization of knowledge dissemination on P2P networks
- 2017 - Rafael Loureiro
- Topic: Improving ontologies by sociograms
- 2016 - Bernardo Lauand
- Topic: Geolocalization of tweets and identification of events
- 2016 - Diogo Nolasco
- Topic: Identification of scientific areas evolution by topic labeling
- 2014 - Patricia Zudio (now at DATAPREV, Brazilian Company of Information Technology and Social Security)
- Topic: Recommendation of Relationships in Heterogeneous Scientific Social Networks
- 2014 - Rogerio Serpa (teaching assistant at FAETEC)
- Topic: Identification of bad reputation on online social networks
- 2013 - Maria Inês Garcia Boscá Ferreira
- Title: Emergency ontology supporting the creation of Emergency Plans
- 2012 - Maria Celia Tavares
- Title: Using semantic information to recommend learning objects
- 2012 - Sírius Thadeu Ferreira da Silva (now at Regional Labor Court)
- Title: Contextual analysis of the victims’ social networks in emergencies
- 2011 - Samantha Dolabela Pereira Vrabl
- Title: #TWINTERA!: A social combination model for microblogging
- 2011 - Ana Carolina Assaife (now at SERPRO, Federal Enterprise of Data Processing)
- Title: A recommendation method to support the linked open data consumption
- 2011 - Fernanda Bruno (now at DATAPREV)
- Title: Opinion mining on social media for analysis of new products in market
- 2011 - Diego Souza
- Title: Scrum and Scrum: a dependency analysis for agile teams creation
- 2010 - Henrique dos Santos Tavares (IBGE, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)
- Title: A GIScience solution to analyze the changes in landscapes due to the increasing of Brazilian agricultural frontiers
- 2009 - Rafael Nunes De Martino (now at PETROBRAS, Brazilian Oil Company)
- Title: Technology prospection and expert’s identification through data mining in scientific production
- 2009 - Viviane Cunha Farias da Costa (Brazilian Navy)
- Title: 3M Model: a model of corporate university to integrate the teaching and research
- 2008 - Diogo Krejci de Souza (now at PETROBRAS)
- Title: Recommendation of substitutes for team formation
- 2008 - Rafael Studart Monclar (now at Candido Mendes University)
- Title: Analysis and balancing of scientific social networks
- 2007 - Sérgio Assis Rodrigues (now he is consultant at Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management)
- Title: Knowledge extraction from professional certification processes
- 2007 - Jairo Francisco de Souza (now at UFJF-Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
- Title: Meaning negotiation for semantic interoperability
- 2006 - Viviane Kawamura de Almeida (now at PETROBRAS)
- Title: Competitive intelligence for universities and research institutions
B.Sc. (Undergrad):
- Initiation to Scientific Research
- 2016 - Pedro Pinto
- 2016 - Ingrhid Theodoro
- 2016 - Bernardo Stearns
- 2014 - Pamela Tabak
- 2014 - Eric Figueiredo
- 2013 - Fabio Rangel
- 2013 - Luiz André Carvalho Tavares
- 2013 - Yago Serpa
- 2013 - Diego Tertuliano
- 2013 - Hector Nieva Melo
- 2013 - Ingrhid Theodoro Amancio da Silva
- 2013 - Pedro Affonso Silva Pinto
- 2012 - Eduardo Sobral
- 2012 - Lunna Perdigão
- 2012 - Marcus Botto Duarte
- 2011 - Marcus Vinicius do Couto
- 2011 - Andressa de Jesus Silva and Rafael Franckini
- 2011 - Pedro Silveira
- 2010 - Gustavo de Oliveira Fernandes
- 2009 - Renan Bernardo
- 2007 - Leonardo Oliveira
- Final Monograph
- 2013 - Jose Luiz F Pereira
- 2013 - Pedro Silveira
- 2012 - Leandro Sousa Braz da Silva and Bernardo Pereira Lauand
- 2012 - Andressa de Jesus Pedrosa da Silva and Rafael Franckini Paiva
- 2011 - Renan Sardinha
- 2011 - Diogo Nolasco
- 2010 - Alessandro Tecla
- 2010 - Adriana Pereira Veríssimo and Fabio Galluzzo Monteiro
- 2010 - José Carlos da Conceição Junior and Ubirajara Cordeiro Machado
- 2010 - Augusto Martins Escobar
- 2009 - Vanessa Reinaldo Matos
- 2009 - Rafael Zuquim
- 2008 - Rodrigo Abreu Mesquita
- 2007 - Clarissa Vilela
- 2006 - Diogo Krejci de Souza
- 2006 - Rafael Nunes de Martino
- 2006 - Carlos Eduardo Barbosa and Luciano Maia
- 2004 - Sérgio Assis Rodrigues