Courses and Talks
Courses Offered:
Big Data Management (since: 2018)
Data and Text Mining (since: 2010)
Information Organization (from: 2009 to 2017)
Social Network Analysis (since: 2010)
Laboratory of Social Network Analysis (since: 2016)
Special Topics in Information Systems (since: 2010)
Knowledge Management (from: 2003 - 2012)
Invited Talks and Keynotes:
2020: Vamos discutir o papel e impacto da Computação Social em nossas vidas? - Keynote Speaker - Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web (WebMedia) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2020 and 2019 - to be updated...
2018: Big Social Data and Elections: Fake News, Hate Speech, Traceability and The Others - Invited talk at Regional School in Information Systems@CEFET-Nova Friburgo [PDF] (in portuguese)
2018: Big Social Data and Elections: Fake News, Hate Speech, Traceability and The Others - Invited talk at Semana Acadêmica da Ciência da Computação@UFRRJ [PDF] (in portuguese)
2018: How Social Media Can Impact Urban Planning - Keynote at CYTED Rio Workshop. [PDF]
2018: Big Social Data and Elections: Fake News, Hate Speech, Traceability and The Others - Invited talk at BraSNAM@CSBC [PDF] (in portuguese)
2018: Perspectives of Big Social Data for Software Engineering - Invited talk at Washes@CSBC [PDF] (in portuguese)
2017: Knowledge Extraction from Social Interactions - Invited talk at IV Workshop in Data Science - LNCC (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2014 - Crowdsourcing, Big Data and Social Networks - Invited talk at Academic Week (UFRRJ) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2014 - Social Network Analysis: New Answers to Old Questions - Invited talk at III Workshop de Pesquisa do Projeto França (UFMT) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2014: Challenges in Social Networks - Invited talk at III Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM 2014) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2014: Social Network Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities - Invited talk at GetMeeting (UFJF) [PDF]
2014: Social Networks: What is it? What is it used for? - Invited talk at Workshop de Computação Aplicada (CEFET) [PDF] (in portuguese)
2014: Basic Principles on Big Data - Keynote at Symposium on Information Technology and Communications of the Brazilian Navy (Informar) [PDF] (in portuguese)
Short Courses :
2016: Information Visualization for Human Perception: Applications in Smart Cities - IHC [PDF Chapter, Slides] (in portuguese)
2016: Information Retrieval and Visualization - Module about Origin of information visualization studies. Techniques, methods and technologies of information visualization - PPGCI/UFRJ [PDF Chapter, Slides] (in portuguese)
2016: Topic Modelling and Labeling: themes identification in Semi and Non-structured data - SBBD [PDF Chapter, Slides] (in portuguese)
2014: Big Social Data: Principles for Collecting, Processing and Analysis of Social Data - SBBD [PDF Chapter, Slides] (in portuguese)
2014:Big Social Data: Principles for Collecting, Processing and Analysis of Social Data - UFRRJ (in portuguese)
2014:Big Social Data: Principles for Collecting, Processing and Analysis of Social Data - I Regional School in Information Systems (in portuguese)
2013: Analysis and Applications of Social Networks in Software Ecosystems - SBSI [PDF Chapter, Slides] (in portuguese)
2011: Social Network Analysis - SBSI [PDF] (in portuguese)
2011: Social Network Analysis - UFJF (Semana de Informática) (in portuguese)